Luke holding new fork tool next to compost pile.

Satisfaction in Making Compost

Here on the Daddykirbs Farm we like to make good use of every resource. Compost is a good way to do that. All the bedding and poo that is generated in the chicken coops, goat pens and duck coops can go to growing better veggies.

We all know the benefits of good compost, but that’s not exactly what I want to highlight in this post. Recognition goes to my helper, Luke.

Satisfaction in Making Compost

For those of you who don’t know… Luke is a very ambitiously hard worker. He will spend his entire day with me working on the farm without any complaints. Every day is another day to enjoy the blessing of living on a farm and caring for animals and gardens for Luke. We share that excitement.

Luke is also Autistic. He doesn’t react to the world exactly as we might expect. Sometimes it’s difficult to get a good read on him. What I can always count on is Luke wanting to water the garden, do chicken duties and turn the compost.

5 thoughts on “Satisfaction in Making Compost”

  1. What a sweet post. I sure do love compost…but more importantly, autism is dear to my heart. I worked as an assistant in a special needs classroom and was able to meet and become close with kids on the whole spectrum of autism. It’s a job that I loved and hope to return to, soon. Keep up the amazing work on your homestead and with your son. Just awesome.

  2. What a sweet post. I sure do love compost…but more importantly, autism is dear to my heart. I worked as an assistant in a special needs classroom and was able to meet and become close with kids on the whole spectrum of autism. It’s a job that I loved and hope to return to, soon. Keep up the amazing work on your homestead and with your son. Just awesome.

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