French Toast

French Toast for me was a way to eat “pancakes” even on this crazy plan of mine. I know they aren’t the same, but I get the same satisfaction out of them. When I was formulating my sugar free plan a while back I was sitting eating pancakes and thought “These could be the last pancakes I ever eat”. That was tough… I love pancakes. With this simple French Toast recipe I can enjoy that same sweet breakfast any time.

Frech Toast is simple and really not much of a recipe, but…

This is good for 2-3 pieces of French Toast (serving for one)

Beat one egg in a bowl.
Dip your sugar free whole wheat bread in to coat both sides.
Lay the coated bread on a hot griddle (with butter or non-stick cooking spray)
Cook both sides to desired “browness” (I like mine pretty brown)

Topping Ideas:

Butter and sugar free syrup (simple, but delicious)
Sugar free peanut butter and sugar free syrup (My favorite!)
Cream cheese and sugar free syrup (and maybe some fresh blueberries or fresh strawberries 🙂

If the sugar free syrup isn’t working for you so much, try adding a bit of Agave Nectar. It helps it to be a bit sweeter and syrupy. Enjoy!

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