Chicken tractor… I remember the first time I heard that I had visions of chickens on little bitty Kubota Tractors (I like orange tractors) driving all over the farm.
Really? No, really it’s just a mobile cage. This cage has no bottom so the chickens can freely eat from the pasture yard. The location of tractor cage is adjusted a little every day (sometimes twice a day) to put the chickens on new fresh grass. Continue reading Chicken Tractor Instagram Moments→
Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! (affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.) Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!
We finally did it! We are now the proud owners of our very own HovaBator Genesis 1588 incubator. In the past when we needed to incubate eggs we either borrowed a friends incubator or we put eggs under a broody hen.
Thank you! to our friends that were so kind to lend their incubator to us. That was an amazing gift. We appreciate that very much. This year we are hoping to hatch duck, chicken and quail eggs. With all this activity we figured it was better to get one of our own. Continue reading HovaBator Genesis 1588 Egg Incubator→
Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! (affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.) Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!
Do you want an easier way to help keep clean chicken runs? Add carbon litter to create the deep litter method for chicken manure management.
Clean. That really is a relative word. My runs are rarely ever “clean”, but adding carbon to the chicken runs helps neutralize the negative affects of the chicken and duck manure.
This is commonly called the Deep Litter Method for managing chicken manure. The deep litter method is a simple and effective way to manage chicken manure and bedding in a poultry farm. This method involves allowing the chickens to live on a deep bed of litter, such as straw, Continue reading Tired of Chicken Manure Mess? Try the Deep Litter Method→
Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! (affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.) Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!
Wouldn’t it be great to get Free Chicken Food Every Autumn?
Well, really it would be great to get free chicken food all the time, but if it can at least come free every once in a while it’s a nice break from depositing all my paychecks at the feed store!
Have you ever seen a chicken sun bathing? Have you seen them toss dust up under their feathers?
Our goat Buddy loves it when we visit the Chicken and Goat run. Luke loves to help his daddy.
How Can Wood Ash Help Chickens?
Chickens love to find a dry dusty area to roll around in. This is healthy for them. Birds are prone to parasites like lice and mites. Providing a nice place for them to dust bathe gives them a natural way to control the parasites. Continue reading How Can Wood Ash Help Chickens?→
Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! (affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.) Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!
Hi! I'm Blake. Online I go by "Daddykirbs". My farm and blog is a place to learn about my journey with Permaculture, Homesteading, Gardening and more. Thanks for visiting!