Compost Recipes: Building A Pile
Today I took advantage of a misty drizzly day to turn the compost and build another pile. If you’ve been around the Daddykirbs Farm for very long you already know that I love building compost piles. I truly do get a lot of Satisfaction In Making Compost.
Luke, my autistic son, loves helping. He reminds me that the compost needs turning. We found a hay fork for him at a local yard sale so he could have his own turning fork. Luke is very proud of that.
Compost Recipes: Today’s Special Blend
In order to build a successful compost pile you need a few things. The important ingredients are Carbon, Nitrogen and Water. Continue reading Compost Recipes: Carbon, Nitrogen, Water →

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Chicken Bedding: Deep Litter Method
Do you want an easier way to help keep clean chicken runs? Add carbon litter to create the deep litter method for chicken manure management.
Clean. That really is a relative word. My runs are rarely ever “clean”, but adding carbon to the chicken runs helps neutralize the negative affects of the chicken and duck manure.
This is commonly called the Deep Litter Method for managing chicken manure. The deep litter method is a simple and effective way to manage chicken manure and bedding in a poultry farm. This method involves allowing the chickens to live on a deep bed of litter, such as straw, Continue reading Tired of Chicken Manure Mess? Try the Deep Litter Method →

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Before I begin with How To Make Compost Seed Starting Soil , let me tell you why I need to talk about it in the first place.
If you would like to watch the video about this project scroll to the bottom of the blog post or go to my
YouTube channel.
I have tried on several occasions to grow Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts from seed by direct sowing them in the garden beds. Every time the Pill Bugs attack my young sprouts and eat them all up before they get a chance to grow.
There was a suggestion made by my beautiful bride to start some in pots then transplant them in the garden after they get a little bigger so they stand a better chance against those aggressive little buggers. Well, that’s brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that? Continue reading Make Compost Seed Starting Soil →

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Here on the Daddykirbs Farm we like to make good use of every resource. Compost is a good way to do that. All the bedding and poo that is generated in the chicken coops, goat pens and duck coops can go to growing better veggies.
We all know the benefits of good compost, but that’s not exactly what I want to highlight in this post. Recognition goes to my helper, Luke. Continue reading Satisfaction in Making Compost →

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens!
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
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Hi! I'm Blake. Online I go by "Daddykirbs". My farm and blog is a place to learn about my journey with Permaculture, Homesteading, Gardening and more. Thanks for visiting!