Category Archives: Homesteading

Kitchen: The Home’s Heart


Just think about that word for a minute. What images or memories do you go to when you think of kitchen? I’m going to guess that most of us will have fond memories of family events and special times with mom. There is just something really special that happens in the kitchen.

Food is so fundamental to who we are. Our very lives depend on it. Much of our culture is centered on the kinds of foods we eat and how it’s prepared. Families bond around preparation of food, and this happens in a kitchen. Continue reading Kitchen: The Home’s Heart

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!

Duck Dangers

Duck Dangers

We have ducks.

I love having ducks. In fact, I have a post called 5 Reasons to Want Ducks. They are loads of fun to watch and they produce for you.

Most of the time these cute little critters stay out of trouble and are easy to handle. They free range really well, but sometimes they find things.

Of all the duck dangers on our farm I never even considered this. Where did she find this thing? You know, you worry about predators, disease and unhealthy diets… but not normally THIS on the farm. Continue reading Duck Dangers

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!

Rats! Farm Barn Cats

Barn Cats: Poem

On the Daddykirbs Farm there once live no cats.
The word spread fast, then moved in the rats.
At first a few that were handled by pistol and traps.
Each night was a hunt, but it was like playing craps.

The kids on the farm always wanted new pets.
“No cats in the house” Daddy says, he was afraid they’d forget.
When mama asked if they could get a kitty.
Daddykirbs gave in because she was pretty.

The first arrived as rescues from a home with no owner.
Four in all, but three didn’t stay so one was a loner. Continue reading Rats! Farm Barn Cats

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!

Tired of Chicken Manure Mess? Try the Deep Litter Method

Chicken Bedding: Deep Litter Method

Do you want an easier way to help keep clean chicken runs? Add carbon litter to create the deep litter method for chicken manure management.

Clean. That really is a relative word. My runs are rarely ever “clean”, but adding carbon to the chicken runs helps neutralize the negative affects of the chicken and duck manure.

This is commonly called the Deep Litter Method for managing chicken manure. The deep litter method is a simple and effective way to manage chicken manure and bedding in a poultry farm. This method involves allowing the chickens to live on a deep bed of litter, such as straw, Continue reading Tired of Chicken Manure Mess? Try the Deep Litter Method

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!

5 Reasons To Want Ducks

5 Reasons To Want Ducks

This is a short list of reasons why I love my ducks. Ducks are a wonderful addition to the farm. When people visit they are attracted to the ducks. We have three breeds on the far. It all started with a visit to the local feed store in the Spring time. My little girl just couldn’t go home without a duck. The baby Rouen duck was our first. Later we ordered the Australian Spotted ducks. As a bonus, Holderread Waterfowl Farm & Preservation Center included a couple Indian Runner ducks.

Here is the video produced on the Daddykirbs farm about our ducks. Continue reading 5 Reasons To Want Ducks

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!