Wouldn’t it be great to get Free Chicken Food Every Autumn?
Well, really it would be great to get free chicken food all the time, but if it can at least come free every once in a while it’s a nice break from depositing all my paychecks at the feed store!
The pen the I built seems so big and empty. The fence that I built seems too high. The garden is not at risk. The roses will likely grow back now. Our feed bill will be lower next month.
This post comes after a long deep breath. You see, our goat… Buddy, died this week. I never thought I’d mourn the loss of a goat, but I am.
Living with Buddy the Goat
Buddy was annoying, forceful when food was present and would jump any fence to get into trouble. He cost us so much in feed and infrastructure. A new goat house was built to accommodate Buddy’s unnerving ability to get out of almost anything. The double gate entry system was designed and installed to give us a better chance at getting in without Buddy getting out. He even discovered how to Continue reading Losing A Good Goat to Urinary Calculi→
Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! http://lddy.no/25if (affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.) Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!
Have you ever seen a chicken sun bathing? Have you seen them toss dust up under their feathers?
Our goat Buddy loves it when we visit the Chicken and Goat run. Luke loves to help his daddy.
How Can Wood Ash Help Chickens?
Chickens love to find a dry dusty area to roll around in. This is healthy for them. Birds are prone to parasites like lice and mites. Providing a nice place for them to dust bathe gives them a natural way to control the parasites. Continue reading How Can Wood Ash Help Chickens?→
Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! http://lddy.no/25if (affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.) Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!
Yep, I’m that kind of guy. I guess I just like the kind of chicks that hang out at the fair. What can I say?
HaHa… actually I hope you know I’m just playing with words there! We got a small batch of chicks (that’s baby chickens… just in case you didn’t know) from the County Fair. What happens at the fair is that they have an educational booth with eggs in a big Continue reading Picking up Chicks at the County Fair→
Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! http://lddy.no/25if (affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.) Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!
This year is my first year to be a beekeeper. I took that class and got all geared up. Feeling unbeatable I
pushed through the Summer doing my little inspections. My thoughts mostly was that I just need to leave the bees alone. I didn’t want to disturb them too much. They have been doing this for a very long time, I don’t need to get in there and mess it up for them.
Hi! I'm Blake. Online I go by "Daddykirbs". My farm and blog is a place to learn about my journey with Permaculture, Homesteading, Gardening and more. Thanks for visiting!