Category Archives: video

Wildlife on the Farm

Living on the farm has been a wonderful experience! There is a lot of things to do, and some of it is hard work. It seems like the project list is never ending. There is always a fence to build, a garden to weed, trees to plant, chickens to feed… and so on.

But…., yes but sometimes we get to experience something wonderful. Wildlife abounds here on the farm. It’s nice when we get to see it up close. I’ve documented a few encounters. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Baby Cardinal Bird Hatching in Nest

We have a hanging planter on the front porch that attracted a family of Cardinals to build a nest.  We were fortunate to be able to catch a few minutes of the babies hatching on video.  We love seeing nature here on the farm!

Releasing a Hummingbird

This humming bird found it’s way into my hoop house in the garden but couldn’t get out. I caught it and wanted to let my sone release it. We learned how to handle and release the birds at one of our home school field trips to a local bird sanctuary.

Releasing an Inca Dove 

Sometimes birds fly into the chicken coop and can’t find their way out.  The kids like to catch and release them.  This is a good opportunity to see the different birds on the farm up close.  I’m pretty sure this one is an Inca Dove.

Fresh Baby Bunny Rabbits In Nest

While discussing where to mow we noticed several rabbits hanging out in the tall grass.  I went to check it out and found this!  We steered clear of the area and left the grass tall.

Spider Caught A June Bug! 

One night we noticed this big spider had made a web near our front porch.  While we were watching it spin it’s web a June Bug flew in and got caught!  Miss Spider got to work right away wrapping it up for dinner.  I got my video on as fast as I could.

Baby Wrens in Propane Tank 

We opened the propane tank to check the levels to find this beautiful scene.  The baby birds seem to be quite happy and not at all bothered by us opening the lid of the tank.

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!

My Orchard 2013: Updates

April Update

If you saw my video back in January, you know that I was quite timid about how I was pruning the young bare root trees.

See Video Here if you missed it.

I would like to post this video update to show that my trees do not hate me. They have forgiven my brutal ignorance  and seem to be loving life. All the trees: Apple, Pear and Peach are coming out and soaking up the sun. They appear to be happy where they are. Continue reading My Orchard 2013: Updates

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!

Beekeeping: Some of Our First Moments

I’m not sure why I keep creating projects for myself, but I do. Beekeeping is one of my latest projects. My goal is to make my farm productive. I want to learn how to grow things. I want to learn how to provide for my family in a way that does not depend on the grocery store system that our culture depends too much on. I want to reconnect with nature and learn how to be a part of it rather than one who just “takes” from it. Bees seem to be a logical part of that. Without the bees and other pollinators we wouldn’t have the diversity we have in our gardens. My orchard is currently only 14 young trees. The bees, I hope, will be a part of making Continue reading Beekeeping: Some of Our First Moments

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!

My Garden 2013: Adding On Using Firewood Raised Beds

I thought I had my garden all figured out this year. Boy, was I wrong. The six raised beds that I put in was just not enough. There is room for the Peppers, Tomatoes, Cantaloupe, Watermelons, Sunflowers, Cucumbers, Beets and Squash… oh wait, Where do I put the Squash?!  Oops, I didn’t plan on a spot for the Squash!

Time for more gardens! LOL

Daddykirbs Garden Blog: Firewood Raised Beds
Daddykirbs Garden Blog: Firewood Raised Beds

This led me to look around at my available space and resources. The area to the right of the small chicken coops looks just right. In fact I put in a raised bed there already for my Onions and Leeks. I just need to move the compost pile around and build the beds.

I have already spent too much money on the garden this year so I wanted this to be very cheap… like free. There are materials here to choose from, like: Pallets, Bricks and Firewood.  Firewood wins! I have a big stack of this resource but I almost never use any of it. I don’t burn wood in the house and since moving to the country haven’t gone camping much. These logs will make very nice raised beds.

Daddykirbs Garden Blog: Chicken in the Garden

The chickens would have a ball in this if I didn’t surround it with a fence. I’m very fortunate to have a supply of fencing and fence posts on hand as well. This entire garden was done in an hour or so with no money. All the materials were here just waiting to be rearranged and made useful. Check out the video at the top of this page to see the project from start to finish.

Video Update 1

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!

Introductory Beekeeping Class: My Experience

Bee Keeping… Where do you start? How hard can it be? Where do you get supplies? Where do you get bees? How much honey do you get? How much money can you make? Can you even make money? Will I get stung? How aggressive are the bees?

All those questions and more have tumbled around in my head. This is why I decided to take a Bee Keeping Class. There is a Bee Keeper who offers a class in our area. The class takes two and a half hours but is jam packed with Continue reading Introductory Beekeeping Class: My Experience

Greenstalk Vertical Garden planted with vegetables next to a wooden fence.

Buy Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! 
(affiliate link - Daddykirbs Farm. Thank you.)
Coupon Code DADDYKIRBS to get up to $10 off!