Hi, Welcome to Daddykirbs Garden.
I want to share just for a moment the importance of sharing your passion, your knowledge and just time with the next generation.
Extend Growing Season Into The Next Generation
Find a kid in your life… someone nearby, someone from church, school, in your own family, a grandkid… somebody. Now don’t be upset if you can’t find one as cute as this one (see video at end of post for adorable prop!). See, this is my first and only grandson and he is the cutest kid in the world.

Take them outside in the garden and let them pick something anddon’t be upset. They might pick something that’s not quite ripe, it’s ok, let them pick it then tell them what is. (see video for interaction with cute grandkid about a tomato here)
Put a shovel in their hand, let ’em dig. Teach them that the soil is important to the seed. Teach them about soil microbiology… just let’em dig and let ’em get dirty. (see video for cute grandkid using a small shovel in a pot of soil)
I love this. I believe this. I live this. I want to share this with the world! Thank you for sharing it here! 🙂
Share away! LOL I’m glad you liked it. I believe it too. This was a fun video to make.