Heart Felt Food: Helping Others

Heart Felt Food

Why do I do what I do? There are lots of good reasons to grow your own food, to reconnect with the earth and God…. but why do I put it all online like I do. Here’s a really big reason. People connections.

I meet some great people online. There are so many people to learn from and some that my experience can help. Occasionally there is a special connection, a sincere message from a follower. Recently I got just that. Continue reading Heart Felt Food: Helping Others

Propagate Fig Trees: How To and Why

 How to Propagate Fig Trees

Let me first say that I’m not the Fig Tree expert. My neighbor has been a Master Gardener for a very long time. He has planted thousands of plants. He has a bit of knowledge to share and I’m ready to learn. On his property there are several varieties of Figs. When I offered that I wanted to start some Figs, my neighbor graciously allowed me to take some cuttings. He also shared how he used to propagate them when he worked at the Botanical Gardens. They would put cuttings in Perlite alone and claimed Continue reading Propagate Fig Trees: How To and Why

5 Reasons To Want Ducks

5 Reasons To Want Ducks

This is a short list of reasons why I love my ducks. Ducks are a wonderful addition to the farm. When people visit they are attracted to the ducks. We have three breeds on the far. It all started with a visit to the local feed store in the Spring time. My little girl just couldn’t go home without a duck. The baby Rouen duck was our first. Later we ordered the Australian Spotted ducks. As a bonus, Holderread Waterfowl Farm & Preservation Center included a couple Indian Runner ducks.

Here is the video produced on the Daddykirbs farm about our ducks. Continue reading 5 Reasons To Want Ducks

Make Compost Seed Starting Soil

Before I begin with How To Make Compost Seed Starting Soil , let me tell you why I need to talk about it in the first place.

If you would like to watch the video about this project scroll to the bottom of the blog post or go to my YouTube channel.

I have tried on several occasions to grow Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts from seed by direct sowing them in the garden beds.  Every time the Pill Bugs attack my young sprouts and eat them all up before they get a chance to grow.

There was a suggestion made by my beautiful bride to start some in pots then transplant them in the garden after they get a little bigger so they stand a better chance against those aggressive little buggers. Well, that’s brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that? Continue reading Make Compost Seed Starting Soil

Hi! I'm Blake. Online I go by "Daddykirbs". My farm and blog is a place to learn about my journey with Permaculture, Homesteading, Gardening and more. Thanks for visiting!

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